Frozen Family Memories
Northern Michigan Way of Life A Northern Michigan family is not complete without a closet for snowpants. It's part of our DNA to enjoy winter and get outside in the temps that our neighbors might call something odd, such as "bitter." Other Than Drink Hot Cocoa We sled, ski, we play hockey, we throw snowballs and make huge snow creations, we hike, snowshoe, snowmobile, hunt and do all kinds of other fun stuff in the snow up here. Staying active beats that whole seasonal depression disorder drama... Getting as much of the sunshine out winters offer us is imperative to happiness! It's really possible here, it's so beautiful. A Hidden Gem I fully believe that Northern Michigan is a hidden gem for families. There is stuff to do, but it's not all commercial. It's natural. It's real. It's cherished and protected by the locals and there's a way of life up here that denounces a toxic lifestyle. It's almost as if living in Northern Mich...